20 January 2009

Eisenberg's SL Learning Community Mtg

Mike Eisenberg was the facilitator in this evening's AASL-ISTE SIGMS virtual learning community in Second Life. He led a discussion on 'The Crisis Facing School Libraries and Librarians" and how to survive shrinking budgets and staffing cuts.

His main focus is a return to the functions of the library media program which need to be tied to the curriculum and assessments of the school. The library media program (and he emphasized that the word library needs to be used) needs its own curriculum and assessments. The professional is a teacher not support staff. A vision statement is an essential starting point. (He diss'd the AASL Learning Standards as being incomprehensible and lacking a vision statement.)

The 3 functions of LMC program are information literacy learning, reading advocacy, and information management. The program should be directly connected to the school's priorities, goals and objectives, assessments, and document the program's effectiveness.

Some of his statements caused a flurry of discussion:
  • Collaboration is a means not an end,
  • Avoid isolation,
  • Coordinate and manage information literacy for the entire school,
  • You can be an effective teacher librarian without a "library".
  • The online catalog is becoming almost irrelevant,
  • Print reference collections are obsolete.
  • Forget about selecting and cataloging books. Use ASE's (article search engines) like EBSCO or Proquest.

He suggested creating advisory groups including administrators, teachers, parents, and students to determine which of the 3 functions is essential and then concentrate on that function.

Slides and notes will be available here and on this wiki shortly.

03 January 2009

Free Technology for Teachers

I found a great blog for resources that teachers can use that I highly recommend while I was checking out the 2008 (More about the Eddies below.)

The winner for best resource sharing blog is Free Technology for Teachers. It's concise format is A+ for teachers. Richard Bryne gives a summary about an online tool and then suggests how teachers can use the resource in their classrooms. In this post, he explains that he has written 1000 blog entries in 2008. Wow! And I thought I was doing well with 44. I'm retired and I don't know where he finds the time to locate and write about all those tools. Great job, Richard!!!

Since I added the blog to my Google Reader, I have even more tools added to my Delicious ExploreLater tag.

Exploring the 2008 Edublog Award winners and the full slate of nominees for each category would be an excellent way to find other resources and best practices. Whether you're a teacher, librarian, technology integrator, etc. I'm sure that you will find a great edublogger to follow.

01 January 2009

Dating Posts

Can you believe that I've been using Blogger for a year and a half and I didn't know how to change the date of a blog post??? Duh...

I finally went to the Help section and found the answer here.

What a handy use to know about. Now, if I have lots of time to write several posts, I can, and I also have the ability to publish the posts automatically when I want. Cool!!
Happy New Year's Learning!

Adrian Clark No Derivative Works