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Voting tips listed by Edublogs:
- One vote per IP per category — sorry, it’s the only way to avoid rigging, to a degree, your colleagues and students are just gonna have to go vote from home… or from their iphones ;)
- You can vote for multiple categories at the same time, so vote once, but vote broadly!
- Results will not be displayed at all until the awards ceremony
In this session, we look at one simple action you can take each month to get elected officials not only to understand library issues, but to actually do something about them.
How One Advocacy Action Per Month Can Change the World from ALA Washington on Vimeo.
Advocacy "guru" Stephanie Vance presents sugegestions for an advocacy calender. The calendar allows for planning and organizing one's advocacy efforts for an entire year and keeps those efforts continual rather than only at the time that budgets are being developed, or when a position and/or program is being considered for reduction or elimination. The advocacy plan is broken down into monthly segments that move sequentially from one activity to another and build upon previous activities. Ms. Vance is very down to earth throughout the presentation and includes examples to illustrate the activities each month. I really enjoyed the presentation and think is would be useful to try.
There are many other grassroots advocacy webinars that focus on a different aspect of advocacy, as well as a three-part online course, "Messaging and Talking with Congress: An Interactive Workshop" offered free to ALA members.
The ALA Washington Office website includes lots of great information and a link to the Legislative Action Center.