15 October 2007


Today is the first day of the K12OnlineConference. I received the first four presentations via audio podcast right after I got up this morning (they were due to be published at 7 am my time). Later in the evening after watching Dancing with the Stars I began a download of the video for the keynote in the New Tools strand. While waiting on the download, I was able to listen to its audio. It was only about 2 minutes long, but I didn't think anything was amiss. I proceeded to listen to the two presentations in the Classroom 2.0 strand while waiting for the video to download. I went into the conference blog and went to some of the links provided for each of the presentations. Probably spent about 90 minutes. Finally I began to read comments about MoreThanCoolTools. Should have read them sooner!!! probably before I even tried to download. There was trouble publishing the complete mp3.

One of the presentors, D'arcy Norman, had given another url for a lower quality video at google videos, which I tried. It loaded right away and I proceeded to view the New Tools keynote (53 min.)

The manner in which each presenter discussed Web 2.0 tools and the "trends" in development and use are very enlightening. I have used or was familiar with most of the tools used as examples in the presentation, but I hadn't really thought about the broader perspective or the "big picture". These are the trends discussed and explored in the presentation:

  • embedding
  • connecting people
  • socializing
  • collaborating
  • sharing
  • remixing
  • liberating
  • filtering
  • disrupting

Two of the last three trends, liberating and disrupting, are things I had not realized at all. I still need to digest and reflect to fully understand them.

I also wanted to mention that the comments and discussion (scroll down)that take place in the blog will also be a great source of learning!

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