01 March 2008


The Tech Chicks podcast, #13, recommended SlideShare. It is a tool which allows you to share presentations. With SlideShare you can:

  • Embed slideshows into your own blog or website.
  • Share slideshows publicly or privately. There are several ways to share privately.
  • Synch audio to your slides.
  • Market your your event on slideshare.
  • Join groups to connect with SlideShare members who share your interests.
  • Download the original PowerPoint / Pdf file
SlideShare doesn't allow you to create a slideshow or powerpoint presentation, but you can upload any presentation/s created elsewhere and your mp3 file and then synch your audio to make a slidecast.

It's a way to create a presentation without the need for lots of equipment and software. Students could use the site to display their work and learn from comments of the community.

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