05 August 2007

Week 9 - Thing #23 CSLA2 Ending

Originally uploaded by ashleyasaurus
I've been putting this last thing off for awhile now. I don't want this experience to end.

What a great way to learn about Web 2.0 tools that can be used in a library media center and everyday life. I really enjoyed being able to work at my own pace and actually producing not just accessing and reading about Web 2.0. Using the blog to show my "things" and talk about my experiences during this CSLA2 tutorial has been the most fun activity. Since I no longer work in a school library media center I will be using several of the tools in my home and with WEMTA, Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association. I'm thinking of volunteering to be a reader for the Gutenberg Project.

thank you, uploaded by Qathi

1 comment:

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Congratulations! Glad you enjoyed the summer 2.0 fun experience! Love your thank-you rocks!

Best wishes!
- Jackie Siminitus
CSLA 2.0 Team project manager