13 July 2007

Week 6 - Thing #15 Web 2.0/Library 2.0

The video, The Machine is Us/ing Us, was my first introduction to Web 2.0.

(I still can't figure out how to embed the video correctly. Always comes up with the Blogger Dashboard in the background, rather than the YouTube image. Tried after adding my blog to utube, tried copy/pastse of embed code, and then deleted my blog and tried to copy/paste embed code.)

Web 2.0, Library 2.0, School Library 2.0 seem to be synonymous terms used to describe tools available on the Internet which allow users to interact with others and create their own content.

I read many of the articles. I didn't like the articles that appeared in the OCLC Newsletter. They seemed too much like they were selling their product. I enjoyed many of the articles in the references list in the Wikipedia article on Library 2.0.

I really liked what Christopher Harris had to say in his School Library Journal article about School Library 2.0. I went to his blog, Infomancy and read all of his blogs tagged SL2.0. I think his thoughts are really on the mark for libraries and school libraries.

Here's my dreamclould with terms from Christopher's article&posts and many of the other articles I read:

Simple Interactive User-Participation Collective_Intelligence Self-Service Novel&RemixedContent Frequent_Evaluation User_Input Communication Information_Literacy Infomancy Read Write SL2.0 Collaboration


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Hmmm...what is a "dream cloud" and is it something you could link to? It looks interesting.

ArborVitae 2.0 said...

I've seen dream clouds in Flickr, Technorati, and del.icio.us. Of course, each word in the dream clouds in those apps are linkable. I suppose that I could create links for each word myself.