29 July 2007

Zoho publish to Blogger (WORKS now)

Received a comment from Ranjith and he says the problem with Blogger is fixed. So, I'm trying again.

This is a test of the Zoho plugin for Microsoft Word/Excel. It’s supposed to save in Zoho from MSWord. Let’s see.


I clicked on the save button in the Zoho toolbar. Message told me to save locally before saving to Zoho. After saving locally, when I selected Zoho’s save button a popup asked if I wanted to save online. I’m going to see if it’s at Zoho. Yes, it is. Zoho has three versions of this document saved. It automatically named them based upon the name within Word. Only thing is I'm not sure if I'm in MSWord or Zoho, unless I actually login to Zoho. When I'm using Zoho from within Word is when I'm confused. I'll have to play more to better understand what's happening and when.

I have imported a couple of word documents into Zohoo and most of the formatting came thru. I thought that I'd try out Google Docs since I already have a Google account. I didn't like how documents were imported, the formatting did not come thru as well. And when I tried to correct the formatting it only got worse. I like Zoho Writer better. Although, I've been trying to change the font and size without success.

Now I'm going to try to post this document into my blog. frownWell, of course, it didn't work. First I gave it my login name and password and then the blog name and it's url. Keeps on telling me it can't find the blog. Have to try to find help in Zoho, though, there isn't a "help" choice, just FAQ's. Found the instructions, but I think that is what I already did. I'll try again, step-by-step. Only make it thru a few steps Unable to connect your blog. Username or password may be incorrect. Have tried several times still not working. 7/28/07 5pm

I've been looking thru some of the other SSL2 blogs and I'm going to try some more things

Next, trying to insert a link, article on LibraryThing, BibMe, & Zotero. That works, however, when I save it as a Word document the emoticons and anchors don't come thru. PDF, emoticons and link-yes, anchor-no

I have tried ZohoSheet too. Works great.

Now I'm going to try and share with Liz. Said that she wasn't registered. Sent to school rather that home. Will try at home too.

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